Connecting diverse staff, creatives & consumers to businesses in the city.



Here are 5 mobile apps every successful
freelancer needs for their business.


If you’re a freelancing boss ready to take over the world - or at least your industry - then this is for you, boo. Not only are you on the right track to success by being confident in your abilities and starting your own business, but you’re also eager to equip yourself with the tools and knowledge to not only survive, but thrive. We love to see it. One major lesson I’ve learned in business is to work SMARTER, not HARDER. Invoicing, digital marketing and all that admin foolishness is unfortunately the annoying parts of business that can quickly turn into problems if not done correctly. So, to save you the headache - we’ve compiled our favourite mobile apps for freelancers and small business owners to shine bright like the very diamonds they are.


    In his most recent interview, the Black King Dr. Dre said he wish he could create without worrying about the “business”. And, we wholeheartedly feel that. But, unfortunately, or fortunately, however way you look at it, contracts need to be signed and clear conditions need to be outlined. Super grateful the business is coming in, but super annoyed by all of the agreements and contracts that need signatures. No more wasting paper and signing our souls away with ink. Today, Docusign allows you to simply upload forms and sign documents electronically. You’d be surprised by how difficult a theoretically simple “quickly sign this form to get started” email exchange can be. Avoid the headache and make Docusign your go-to eSignature and document signing service.

  2. WAVE

    Doing the work is the hard part. Collecting your coin is easy. Or at least thats what we once thought. In the beginning of your freelance journey, some may find sending an invoice to be a difficult task, and we promise that you are not alone. Invoicing is the first step of the coin collection process, and if done right, ensures that your services are rightfully paid for and finances are in order. Wave is by far the best mobile invoicing app for freelancers, and trust, we’ve tried many! The app allows you to build a menu of services and contact list of clients, and generates a professional invoice that is ready to send to your client in the push of a button. Additionally, you can record payments and track all of your invoices in this one accounting app. You’re welcome.


    If you haven’t figured out the secret to marketing yet - we’re here to tell you that it IS NOT buying fake engagement. Instead, try building an email list. Mailchimp is an effective email marketing service that automates the email marketing process. You can simply add your list of contacts (subscribers), choose from various email campaign templates and easily customize your newsletters. Your email list belongs to you. Your subscribers believe in you. Your Mailchimp app simplifies it for you.

  4. CANVA

    You do not have to be a Photoshop pro to be a self declared graphic designer - that’s a fact. Canva is a GAME CHANGER in graphic design and makes it super simple to create social media graphics and images. The free version provides ready-to-use templates ranging from Instagram posts to Youtube banners, to name a few. The size proportions are perfect, the templates are professional and the custom designs are creative. We promise you, your digital marketing game will be oh so strong and your online presence will be LOUD AF. For all the right reasons.

  5. MILE IQ

    If you didn’t know you can deduct your vehicle’s mileage as a business expense for taxes - now you do. MileIQ is a free mileage tracking app that automatically logs and tracks mileage while calculating the tax deductions per trip. Free yourself from this annoying administrative chore by using the app and save some money come tax time!

Now that you’re a professional contract signer, graphic designer and email harasser - you can only expect smooth sailing from here. Grab your phone, download these apps, and thank us later.


What is your favourite mobile app for your business?
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